


Johan Kjeldahl was a Danish chemist who while studying the changes of protein content during the transformation of barley into malt process developed the method for determining nitrogen, which then took its name from him. Because of its high degree of precision, reproducibility and versatility, the Kjeldahl method is used today to determine the content of nitrogen and proteins according to the official methods (AOAC, EPA, DIN, ISO). The Kjeldahl method is the official method for determining nitrogen and protein contents in:

Foods (raw materials and finished products)
Animal feeds
Soils, fertilizers, etc.
Wastewater, sludge, etc.
Lubricants, fuel oils, etc.

The heating block offers an excellent thermal homogeneity, precision and accuracy and its temperature is controlled by a dedicated microprocessor. A graphic display shows up to 20 programs with 4 temperature ramps for each program, completely userprogrammable.
The digestion units have a very compact size aimed to meet the most demanding laboratories needs in terms of space saving.